
Footshop is the most popular e-shop for sneakers and streetwear fashion. And not only in our country, but also in Slovakia, Hungary, Romania and other Central and Eastern European countries. Peter Hajduček founded Footshop in 2011 because of his passion for sneakers. He never wanted Footshop to be just another shoe and clothing e-shop. Footshop is of course a very successful business, but even as it grows it does not neglect the community it came from and continues to support and build. The common factor is self-fulfilment. Through a passion for fashion, music, art, streetwear and of course a passion for sneakers. Footshop is successful and recognizable even for big global brands. This is evidenced by the fact that here you can find limited editions that you can't buy anywhere else in the area, because global brands only distribute them to partner premium stores. And today Footshop is definitely that.

Ponuka príležítostí


Footshop is adictive

At least ours. Sneakers are our hobby and our addiction. Some people collect stamps, we collect sneakers. It's a passion and the best part is that at Footshop we have someone to share it with because a lot of people come to us for what we do.

To be clear, we're not a sneaker cult and we don't pick people to come to us based on what they came in wearing to an interview. You don't have to have a passion for sneakers, you have to have a passion for anything else. At Footshop you can be yourself, we respect personalities with everything. The key thing we want is for you to want to push Footshop with us and make it better and more successful. Of course, all sneakerheads will feel like a fish in water with us. The best benefit? A limited auction of pieces you can't get anywhere else. What will happen? You'll come in with a passion for fishing and camping and leave a sneakerhead. We guarantee it :)

          Lukáš Bastl


          PPC Specialist
Lukáš Bastl
PPC Specialist

10 years already

In the game! And now, finally, at the top

          Peter "Kovo" Kováč


          Art & Product Manager
Peter "Kovo" Kováč
Art & Product Manager

We founded Footshop out of our passion for sneakers. We never wanted to be just an ordinary e-shop. Sneakers are a culture that we live and we try to spread it to people. Footshop is a community of people who love fashion, art and want to express themselves. We are not just sellers of goods. We've managed to work our way up to a premium brand that has access to exclusive brands and limited edition shoes that you can't buy anywhere else in the country. We are a member of the adidas Consortia and have access to exclusive lines from brands like Vans, Nike, Yeezy and more. We work with well-known brands and local artists that we want to support. We're working on our own collections and in the future our dream is to expand our own line of products and get even more Footshop in front of people.

We're playing the game as best we can!

          Peter Hajduček


          Founder & CEO
Peter Hajduček
Founder & CEO

Ne vždy to bylo snadné!

Naposledy jsme si hrábli na dno, ale kultura, jedinečnost a vášeň k teniskám nás vždy podrží 

Na začátku roku 2022 si prošla celosvětová e-commerce scéna obrovskou turbulencí. Tam kde většina firem, včetně té naší, byly nastavené na další obrovský růst, tak se stal opak a čísla klesala. Navíc jsme dlouhodobě měli spoustu věcí nedořešených a tak se všechno sešlo dohromady a nálada by se dala krájet. Ale to už neplatí! 

Udělali jsme poměrně radikální změny, zmenšili celý Footshop, přenastavili způsob řízení, Peti Hajduček se vrátil do role CEO a každodenní rozhodnutí, byla mnohem blíže nastavená na přítomnost. Museli jsme samozřejmě zavřít některé z našich obchodů což nebylo jednoduché, protože jsme je všechny měli moc rádi, ale holt někdy je potřeba být radikálnější. Co je výsledkem? Footshop je zase jeden tým, kancly jsou plné lidí a nás to zase hodně baví. Nepřišli jsme o to podstatné  naší schopnost dělat to kreativně a jinak. Díky všem, kteří jsou s námi a makají na další jedinečné etapě Footshopu.

Hotel Kyjev Bratislava | Credits:
Hotel Kyjev Bratislava | Credits:

We've done a lot in that time! And we're proud of it

We have created a world where dreams can come true


Not to be afraid!

And going headfirst into everything

Footshop wouldn't be where it is today if it wasn't for the courage to not be afraid to make big decisions. To have big dreams and go for them, even when you're teetering on the brink of being knocked out of the game. Petr Hajducek is a big visionary and sees opportunities that will come up soon, while also having the drive to create his own world. There are people at Footshop who are excited by this vision. We want to play in the premier league, even though it took a lot of effort to get there. We've made so many mistakes that it would make a book, but we are where we are because despite all the obstacles we are still following that one path and that one goal. At Footshop, we need people who aren't afraid of big challenges, people who don't get discouraged. Careful, that doesn't mean we're crazy people who climb without protection, although sometimes it can feel like it. We know how to calculate risk and we have a strategy or we wouldn't be where we are. But we want to be the ones who set the direction, so we will keep exploring, testing and finding ways to be even more original and world class. So get ready, it's going to be a ride. 



          Business Analyst
Business Analyst

We are one of the few in our market that can sell limited stuff, and it's a very difficult journey to be able to sell it. Because it's not a problem to sell some products, it's a problem to buy them.

Peter Kovo Kováč, Art Manager

Speed and fun

You'll experience the adrenaline rush, the pratfalls, the euphoria of success and the fun

Life at Footshop is like a roller coaster ride. There's speed and adrenaline and it's definitely not for everyone. Don't look for a warm spot here, there's nowhere to hide. The people who enjoy this ride with us love the vibrancy, the dynamism and the constant change, unless there's too much of it, which sometimes happens. Sometimes it's too much even for strong characters. But you trade all that for the absence of boredom and stereotype. Every day there's something going on, every day you learn something new. We solve fuckups, we try, we create, we invent.

We wouldn't like it if Footshop stayed where it was ten years ago. Sure, we fit in at one table and flit from one party to the next, but we're here to build a good business, and so far we're getting better and better at that.


We've created a world where you can change the status quo


No director's office

Footshop is not a place for marks, but for friends and enthusiasts

You'll meet your friends here. There's over 200 of us and logically we can't all know each other anymore. But there's still plenty of people you can go out for a beer or a gig with after work. We don't want people who don't say hello in the hallway. We're trying to have an environment where friendships thrives. We want an environment that's open, respectful and friendly to others. We know how to support and help each other across departments. It doesn't matter what nationality or religion you are, you're a Footshopper here. We want to keep that energy going. 

What's great is that a lot of people are not just colleagues, but friends who socialize in their free time. I notice that people are able to separate work from private life. If we have problems at work, it's not a problem to go out together afterwards and not deal with it. And those are good things.

Johanka Kučerová, Project Manager

Of course we have management. We're not a nursery, we're a regular business with a billion in sales. Yet our structure is as flat as possible. Around Peti Hajducek there are managers of teams like warehouse, IT or marketing, but our management style is more to lead the team, sit with them and be with the daily reality with our sleeves rolled up. We don't have a director's office. Peti and others sit here amongst us and you can come to anyone with anything, whether it's ideas, problems or just a chat. Footshop is not for managers who want managerial status, it's for people who want a well-functioning team and to work together on the whole. 

I think it's great that there's a founder who can sense situations when something is on fire. And in that moment, he dives into things specifically and in detail, where it's currently needed.

Pavel Juřenčák, Head of Retail

poslechni si náš


Naše podcastová encyklopedie o teniskách a subkultuře s nimi spojené.

We've created a world where you can be yourself


The values on which we build Footshop culture


We trust, respect and listen to one another. We value and respect our competitors. We say „please“, „thank you“ and „sorry“. We stay on the ground and always continue to learn. We put our ego aside and we are not afraid to ask for help.


We think out of the box and challenge the status quo. We first step into the dream room, than check the reality. We are passionate about Footshop aspirations. We embrace changes that will drive us forward. We create remarkable and innovative things. We are not afraid of failing, only by trying can the wrong become right.


We speak up without being judged. We are not afraid to say „I don’t know“. We are honest and transparent in communication. We support diversity and uniqueness as it is moving Footshop forward. We genuinely care about the success and culture of Footshop whether we are sneakerheads or not. We are open to giving and receiving feedback.


We don’t go behind other people’s backs. We are straightforward and transparent. We say things as they are with respect to the other person. We are learning from our mistakes. We share information even in difficult situations and we explain the WHY. We base our conclusions on facts and full context. We don’t take credit for someone else’s work.


We are proactive and ready to get out of our comfort zone and job description. We look for solutions, not excuses. When not happy we deal with it and we do not spread negativity. We are able to set priorities and put first things first. We are stronger as a team. We are creative, work independently and take responsibility for our work.

It's a pretty young team here, for a lot of people it's their first job and it's great that Footshop offers a place for young people who want to get better at something and in other companies they would be shipwrecked because they don't have any experience.

Andrej Baran, Senior DevOps Engineer

You can come up with any improvement, any suggestion for change and if it makes sense to us, it will be implemented very quickly and that possibility of self-realization is what I build on in my departments. The other thing is that as long as you're working and you're getting results, you have a lot of freedom here.

Jan Neuvrit, Operations Director

Heart in the right place

1 billion turnover, 200+ people, shipping to 17 markets, but still a bit of a punk at heart



          Customer Care Manager
Customer Care Manager

          Mariana Sládková


          HR Manager
Mariana Sládková
HR Manager

What can we say, 1 billion turnover, 200 people in three countries, that's not a small business anymore. But inside Footshop you'll still find the start-up spirit, minimal bureaucracy and creativity that makes Footshop Footshop. We've grown to a number where we can't do without processes and we're glad for the quality ones. Just as we are happy for our colleagues who can already get things done because they have grown into leaders. Our hearts still mostly beat for creative chaos, even though we need more responsibility. Even the biggest punks realize that.

We need people here who can work outside of their comfort zone because that's where we are most of the time. Plus, we have huge plans for the team.

Adriana Jurdová, Head of Marketing

Artists, DJs, Musicians & Footshop

Creativity defines us, energizes us and distinguishes us in the marketplace

Whoever is more creative than us, raise your hand. You won't find a more creative e-commerce company on our Czech scene. You will meet people who live for fashion and are not afraid to express themselves. And not only with their outfits, but also with novel ideas. In the team you will meet DJs, artists, musicians, alongside excellent developers and marketers. It doesn't matter if you come to the warehouse, the store or the offices in Karlin, you are surrounded by creative energy and the world of design. Our marketing events are legendary. Whether it's the Kiev Hotel or the collaboration with the Life is Porno brand. Quite often we get to work on creative campaigns in collaboration with our suppliers or at events. Creativity defines us and sets us apart.

Sometimes the brands we work with will suggest that we can work with an agency, but we enjoy the creative part so much that we try to keep it in-house and for me, that's the best part of the whole marketing thing.

Soňa Štefanková, Brand manager CZ

Meaning and Impact

We have an opinion, which we often express in what we do, how we do business and what attitudes we hold



          Affiliate Manager
Affiliate Manager

          Adriana Jurdová


Adriana Jurdová

One of the reasons why we love Footshop so much is that there's a lot more meaning and impact behind all the sneakers and fashion than it might seem at first sight.

We support young artists and create a space for them to express themselves. We are looking for ways to be more sustainable and we want to do it in an educational way that reaches young people, for example in Prague's Holešovice we had a wall painted with environmentally friendly paint.

We are against any kind of discrimination and we are not afraid to spread our opinion publicly and stand up for it. Respect for everything and everyone is embedded in our values and we are not just driven by it in our marketing activities. A certain amount of liberal thinking and a desire to do more for those around us is necessary. We have an opinion and we have an impact.

We've created a world where we are straightforward and transparent


Hip-hop, skates & fun everyday

You won't find the atmosphere of our warehouse anywhere else. We're on the move, we enjoy it and we have big plans

          Pepa Saller


          Warehouse Manager
Pepa Saller
Warehouse Manager

What kind of people are we looking for to join our warehouse? You have to like music, especially rap and hip hop, because it's on full blast all day long, sometimes from different directions. You have to have a sense of humor and be a team player, because we're all in this together. When colleagues are not on time for Black Friday dispatch, it doesn't matter that we have our work done in the office, we're all gonna get together and go help out where our buddies can't make it. It doesn't matter if you're a guy or a girl, we'll take any sneakerhead that can swing and is up for any fun. The Warehouse is where you meet people who have collectible pieces and live sneaker and street culture. What we want is for you to enjoy it, then you'll fit in with us and you're gonna stay for a long time. We can promise you that. You don't just leave Footshop Warehouse because you don't see a crew like this anywhere else. 

What was my first impression? Me and Pepa came to the warehouse, you open the door and there's music playing from the speakers, guys were riding skateboards and there was such a good atmosphere.

Klára Bohunická, Warehouse operator

We're hiring young people. People who are into street culture, skate and fashion and they don't mind that there's rap music playing for eight hours straight.

Josef Saller, Warehouse Manager

We have created a world where saying "thank you" is normal


You can still see Peti's close entry into the company here. He's not a hired 40-year-old CEO with experience, but a guy who likes to put on 20-year-old rap music, party with us, and you can feel the spirit with which he founded it.

Dan Urban, Senior Product Manager

What's keeping me here? The first point is the people, everybody does things 100% and nobody tries to screw it up. And secondly, the company is still growing and I've gained a lot of experience here. I can see across the company and it's the progress that keeps me here.

Dávid "Ivory" Novák, Content Team Leader

We're a tech company

We have very interesting challenges for developers... and sneakers :)

The size we have achieved in 10 years, the millions of orders from all over the world and the speed at which e-commerce is evolving offers huge challenges for developers. We have a great development team and lots of plans, whether it's internal systems or automating the customer experience. We are implementing modern tools, developing our own solutions for internal organization, and planning to automate the warehouse. The IT department today is a stable and pretty committed bunch. We guarantee that you just won't get bored here.

What I like most is that I can realise myself. We don't have a mega technical or business brief that you have to do exactly this as a robot. We'll get it together as a team and do it our way. And we always try to design it so that someone else can work with it in the future. And it's kind of an unwritten ownership.

Rasťo Nemec, SW Engineer

          Dan Urban


Dan Urban

Footshop Premium Stores

Our stores are our showcase. We choose lucrative addresses, design interior and space for various exhibitions, parties and events.

Selling sneakers is not a job for most of us, it's a hobby. We enjoy talking to customers about sneakers, filling them in on the history and introducing new products.

When you work at Footshop store, you're doing what you enjoy with great people.

Our stores are top of the line in retail, and we're rightly pretty proud of them. Stop by the store in Prague.

We're expanding our crew. Will you join us?

Momentálne nie sú otvorené žiadne pracovné príležitosti