Inspiration can strike at any moment. For Adam Kurzok, the idea to start EXPANDO came in 2015 during an e-commerce conference in London. It was there he realized the future of e-commerce lay with sellers on online marketplaces like Amazon, eBay, Cdiscount, Allegro, Kaufland, and others. Inspired by this insight, he partnered with Vojtěch Zogata to create a company that helps Czech and Slovak manufacturers and e-shops enter global markets through these platforms. EXPANDO, with its proprietary application and specialized services, fully automates and streamlines the entire expansion and sales process. The team, consisting of over 70 professionals, assists thousands of clients in expanding to more than 80 countries. What began as an idea at one conference has, through hard work, perseverance, and quality execution, become an essential tool for the growth of many e-shops in the Czech Republic and Slovakia. Building on their success in the Czech-Slovak market, they are now focusing on expanding their services internationally to scale their client base more rapidly.

Ponuka príležítostí

Empowering Resellers and Brands to Enter Global Marketplaces

As the leading experts in this field in the Czechia and Slovakia, we’re now setting our sights on global dominance.

We have amassed unparalleled expertise in operating and selling on online marketplaces worldwide. We can identify the best marketplaces for our clients' products, showcase them to attract maximum interest, and secure the best possible prices. Our proprietary platform and tools, which we continuously develop, along with dedicated internal teams, provide robust support and growth for each client.

No other company in the Czech Republic boasts such extensive experience in selling on online marketplaces. Our ambition is to leverage this expertise and continue growing by expanding internationally. This presents an exciting opportunity to be part of the next phase of EXPANDO, and we are thrilled about it.

          Ján Pavlík


Ján Pavlík

          Jakub Žemlička


          Key Account Manager
Jakub Žemlička
Key Account Manager

Growing Through Client Satisfaction

We have never relied on investors, funding all our growth with our own profits. This independence has given us tremendous freedom in decision-making and kept us grounded. It allowed us to focus entirely on our customers' needs. As a result, we grew rapidly and became strategic partners for our clients, offering not just software but a unique package of services unavailable elsewhere. We maintain a healthy drive and results-oriented mindset, alongside a playful, competitive spirit and the ability to improvise.

Our rapid growth and quality service have placed us among the top 10 Amazon agencies in Europe, and we regularly rank in Deloitte's TOP 50 Fast Growing Companies.

Today, we collaborate with top global players like Amazon, Shopify, and eBay, as well as with Alza and Mall in the Czech Republic. We've achieved a lot, and I'm proud of the entire EXPANDO team for their contributions.

Adam Kurzok, CEO

For me, the challenge at EXPANDO is fun—every day, I tackle problems I've never encountered before.

Ján Pavlík, COO

EXPANDO is full of enthusiasts

Drive, enthusiasm, an entrepreneurial mindset, and a desire to grow are the qualities we seek in people.

We don’t care if you’re still studying or don’t have a diploma at all. We’re not focused on how many years you’ve spent in a particular position. What matters to us is your potential and enthusiasm for advancing and developing EXPANDO with us. EXPANDO is an unstoppable force, a burst of energy that will draw you in. Our enthusiasm and positive approach are contagious. We don’t just talk about ideas—we make them happen. From day one, you’ll be surrounded by people who love their work and excel at it. You’ll learn, grow, and share knowledge with others, as we believe real success comes from collaboration. It’s simply irresistible.

Building Strategic Foundations for Further Growth

We've always found a way to bounce back, but now we're seeking a more sustainable path to achieve our goals. In the past, we operated through trial and error, often needing to move as quickly as possible. When things didn't work out, we didn't dwell on it; we learned and moved on. Today, we're focused on structuring and stabilizing our operations. We're implementing processes, utilizing data, and bringing order to our workflow. We're building a new framework that will not only support but also streamline further growth and help us acquire new customers more efficiently. It might be a bit slower at times, but we all recognize that it's a meaningful journey.

          Nikol Černá


Nikol Černá

Unlock Your Creative Potential

We have always welcomed young, ambitious individuals who embrace big challenges and persevere even when the solution isn't immediately clear. These people have gradually advanced and now form our core team. In many ways, we embody the self-made spirit, which we believe is our greatest strength because it means we can handle any situation. However, this also means we sometimes face challenges that others have already solved. When we encounter our own limitations, we benefit greatly from experienced perspectives. That's why we're thrilled to have people join us who bring experience from other countries, industries, or larger companies and are eager to apply their knowledge here. What we offer is the freedom to create and build things in your own way.

A Dynamic Blend of Junior and Senior Talent

Young professionals have the chance to learn from experts and grow rapidly, while senior and experienced individuals can develop their leadership, knowledge transfer, and team management skills. EXPANDO is the perfect place for ambitious newcomers and seasoned veterans alike.

While we're typically busy, there's always room for advancement, and your contributions are highly valued.

Jakub Žemlička, Key Account Manager


Enjoy the flow

          Vojtěch Zogata


          Partnership Manager
Vojtěch Zogata
Partnership Manager

Entrepreneurial Mindset

What makes EXPANDO particularly interesting is that many of us have side businesses. Most commonly, we run e-shops or sell our own products on various marketplaces. This firsthand experience allows us to truly empathize with our customers and understand both their challenges and opportunities.

Business is about solving problems, and my colleagues know this firsthand from their own ventures. I appreciate that they don't overlook issues but consistently come up with creative solutions.

Rudolf Kotas, Head of Product

Unlock Endless Learning Opportunities

This is your chance to get ahead in a rapidly growing industry. You'll always have room to advance and develop your skills. Plus, you'll learn directly from top players like Amazon, eBay, Shopify, and others who push us to stay current, adapt to trends, and keep pace with their development teams. How far you go—whether it's a step or a mile—is entirely up to you.

We don't have detailed development plans to guide you. Instead, we offer countless opportunities for growth and rely on your personal responsibility to make the most of them.

We used to seek out people like us—those with heart but little experience. Now we believe we need more seasoned individuals with e-commerce expertise.

David Cikánek, Head of Sales

From the very first moment, I felt a tremendous drive from my colleagues. I love that I can learn so much from them, be inspired, and rely on their willingness to help whenever I need it.

Adéla Lochman, CS Team Leader

Inovate with Data

Do It Simply

Enjoy the Growth

Happy Client First

Always Interact

          Rudolf Kotas


          Head of Product
Rudolf Kotas
Head of Product

Revolutionizing Sales with Our Own Automation Platform

It collects and evaluates information on 65 million products daily.

When we first shared this figure at a developer conference, many couldn’t believe it. But it’s not a typo.

We need to analyze product information almost in real-time because we can’t afford to wait hours or days to set the optimal product price for a market. Immediate insights are crucial, as they often determine whether we or our competitors make the sale.

That’s why we prioritize optimizing our algorithms, ensuring code quality, and improving efficiency. We employ advanced techniques and the latest cloud technologies to stay ahead.

Enjoy the Flow

We believe that when people do work they truly enjoy, the results are far better than when they don't. That's why it's crucial for everyone at EXPANDO to love what they do, find joy in it, and see the value in their work. A shared passion among us is helping our clients and growing alongside them. We relish learning new things, discovering new techniques, and fully immersing ourselves in our tasks.

We don't aim to complete the highest number of tasks each day; instead, we focus on quality and completion. If it helps, feel free to disconnect from the world around you, turn off notifications, and dive deep into your work to achieve outstanding results. After all, that's what truly matters.

Become a Co-owner of EXPANDO

XCOINS are virtual temporary shares of EXPANDO, used to implement an incentive program for key employees and associates. This program entitles them to a share of the company's profits or gains from a sale or listing. Ten percent of EXPANDO is allocated to these key individuals, with specific shares and distribution based on their tenure and position within the company.

One of the major benefits is that if you excel, you can become a shareholder in the company.

Marián Jóža, Global Account Manager

All Hands: Where the Best Ideas Brew Over a Beer

For newcomers, it’s a fantastic opportunity to meet people and immerse themselves in our culture.

Every month, we host an all-hands meeting at our Prague office. We present our results, showcase new developments, and, most importantly, celebrate our collaborative efforts. When the weather is nice, we barbecue on the terrace and often stay late into the night. It’s a time not only to discuss work but also to enjoy each other’s company.

Some of our team members decided to join us after experiencing an all-hands party during their interview. They saw a relaxed, friendly environment where everyone is genuine. We interact openly, regardless of positions, and focus on achieving great results together.

          Marián Jóža


          Global Account Manager
Marián Jóža
Global Account Manager

Work Wherever Suits You Best

Some of our colleagues come to the office every day, while others visit just once or twice a week. We also have many team members who work remotely from their towns and villages, occasionally visiting the nearest office for team meetings or to catch up with colleagues.

As long as you are reliable, can organize your work, and communicate effectively, your work location doesn't matter to us. We're accustomed to remote work and have all our onboarding and training materials available online, so you can join us from anywhere.


We have offices in Prague, Havířov, Trinec, and Bratislava. No matter which office you visit, you'll be warmly welcomed by colleagues asking, "What's new?" Each office has its own setup, but they all operate the same way—nothing is discussed behind closed doors, and you are always welcome to join any discussion.

Expand EXPANDO with Us!

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