ANECT started as a classic communication infrastrastructure integrator. It has been present on the market for 25 years; it went through substantial development and it has reached the top in the following areas: cybersecurity, data and contact centers, and ICT operations. An inherent part of everything in ANECT are also hybrid and cloud solutions. Today, ANECT consists of over 150 professionals, who are based in four cities in Czechia and besides Czech customers they also serve customers in the USA, Germany, Thailand, and China. ANECT closely cooperates with enterprise companies, for whom it is a stable and long-term partner, but besides this, it also provides its services to small progressive companies. Thanks to its experienced staff, it is a company which excels in its ability to combine proven technologies with new and progressive ones and thus always maximize benefits and deliver “simplifications”.

Ponuka príležítostí

Genuine Czech Company

We are proud to be a Czech company that has gradually risen from nothing to the top league

ANECT is a Czech company. We had our first customers, contracts, and employees there. We are neither owned by any foreign entity nor by any investment fund.

We are proud to be a Czech company which has worked its way from scratch to the highest league and which has become a partner of large multinational companies in the ICT area.

A few years ago, we were seen as only a service organization for a couple of large companies. Today, we are a modern partner of renowned customers and all of us in ANECT can see and realize how long road we have taken, which gives us energy for further development. We promote innovation, collect ideas and suggestions, discuss within the teams and try to develop ANECT further so that it is constantly attractive for both customers and employees.

We are fortunate that our work is a hobby for us.


Minimum micromanagement, maximum freedom

Your Pace, Your Responsibility

We are expected to deliver professional results. A high level of individual self-responsibility means people realize the set standard brings about a relatively high level of individual freedom and very little micromanagement. Delivered results are what counts, they are not the results of individuals but of the whole team which can, naturally, watch quality. Our customers expect to receive the best and most professional service and products and we can deliver. 

In ANECT, we can look back and say we have done a good job. On top of that, your colleague will tap your shoulder because a direct drive can be appreciated in ANECT.

          Honza Zinek


Honza Zinek

          Petra Marzini


          Head of HR
Petra Marzini
Head of HR

To deliver benefits and simplify our customer's enterprises through innovation



Tohle je text, který potřebujeme přidat ke zjednodušení 


Podporujeme se, tvoříme společně, sdílíme znalosti a zkušenosti, spoléháme jeden na druhého. Jsme hrdou součástí ANECT týmu. 



Tady je text, který potřebujeme k užitku


Není malých nápadů. Jsme zvídaví, vynalézaví a přinášíme chytrá řešení. 

          David Kreuz


          Head of Development Services
David Kreuz
Head of Development Services

Innovate or Die

To deliver benefits and simplify our customer's enterprises through innovation

          Pavel Srnka


          Consulting Director
Pavel Srnka
Consulting Director

Innovate or Die is an internal platform where we think about what other products and services we can grab, build and offer to the market in the future to reflect our focus and our expertise. In doing so, we draw on the ideas of our people inside the company, which we collect in our internal Idea 4 Innovation activity. We are constantly looking for new avenues in the market, because we are aware that we have to keep up. We have dedicated a space to innovation and each of us devotes at least 5% of our time to innovation and new ideas.

In the two years of i4i's existence, we have already handled 87 ideas and brought 10 of them to life. We have explored over a third of the ideas and decided not to develop them further. Yet their authors keep looking and coming up with new ones again and again, and that's the best result we could have hoped for.

V Anectu vždy platilo, že se tady bere ohled na to, aby lidi dělali to, co je baví. A já se taky snažím s lidmi diskutovat a hledat práci, tak by je bavila, protože vím, že v ní pak budou dobří.

David Kreuz, Head of Development Services

We do extremely interesting things with the top people. We have fun at it, it is complicated, it is risky, sometimes we fail, but we always bring it to the end because we are fighters.

Pavel Srnka, Consulting Director

          Blanka Nováková


          Director of Operations Services
Blanka Nováková
Director of Operations Services

Common sense comes first

Common sense is one of the other principles on which, in addition to fairness, we have long built

We do not forget the key value behind where ANECT is today is mainly hard work well done. Where do we see what we call work well done? In simplicity, self-responsibility for own tasks, and in common sense. We always think about what benefits we bring to our customers, whether we simplify their work and keep the promises we have given hem. As a consequence, we are clearly legible for our clients. Common sense is one of our other principles on which we, besides fairness, build in the long term.

Překvapila mě tady nulová kontrola, nebyla jsem na to zvyklá. V Anectu se dává hodně prostor lidem, cení se seniorita ale i smysl pro zodpovědnost. V Anectu je člověk ceněny za výsledky a ne za to, jak dlouho sedí v kanceláří.

Petra Radostová, Key Account Manager for Clashing

It's true to its word. What we say just stands, and that's fine with me.


For us, success is not just a number

Sure, it's always the result that counts, but it's also the customer's smile that counts

The direction of the company is set by neither managers nor by their bonuses. We are a stable successful company whose direction is set by our clients and their needs. In the end, the bottom line is measured in numbers, but also by smiles of our customers and the satisfaction of our employees. We can react flexibly, adapt quickly, and implement solutions our customers need.

We rely on experience and dynamics, we are here for our clients and we honour their demands for quality and standards. Mainly customers from the enterprise world request we have internal rules, we have just enough of them not to burden us or to hinder our work.

A professional in every corner of the company

A high standard is always the result of the collaboration of the best

A high standard is not only about results but mainly about people who are in ANECT. All around us, we have professionals who constantly educate themselves and are interested in innovations in their fields, they want to be at the world level. At the same time, they are people with a character. In ANECT, we appreciate that and we know it is, at the end of the day, more substantial. Professionalism is not about a CV or certificates, but about reliability, commitment, willingness to work and added value for the customer. At the end of the day, it's always about whether we have met the customer's expectations and they can rely on us.

That's what makes us able to stand behind our people 100%.

          Ivan Svoboda


          Business Development Manager
Ivan Svoboda
Business Development Manager

          Libor Janouš


          Senior Key Account Manager
Libor Janouš
Senior Key Account Manager

People around me are fair and nice, and that makes a good atmosphere in ANECT.


Building on a team culture

The distance from each other is the same as the distance from one corner of the office to the other one. Sometimes, this means from Prague to Brno, and vice versa

No-one sits somewhere on the top floor which they never leave, all year long. Quite the opposite, our CEO, Honza Zinek, started in ANECT as a Project Manager; he knows really well how difficult individual parts of a project might be and so he is always in close contact with his people. Together with the management, they set a target to move ANECT forward, they started “pressing” on innovations and created a unique innovation platform within which they work with internal ideas. It is mainly the need for new ideas, sharing experiences, and support for creativity which led to the move of our Prague office into new and modern premises. There is no dedicated workplace for any of us, we sit down wherever we want each and every day. There are no fixed workplaces, which supports team spirit and sharing know-how. For cooperation, the most modern technologies are used and, as a result, it is possible to work from anywhere.

          Kryštof Kocot


          Project Manager
Kryštof Kocot
Project Manager

Long-term success through relationships

Colleagues are involved in the recruitment process because we all want people to join us who will fit in well

People in ANECT behave to each other with respect and humility. There can be seen a great respect in dialogue and good balance between humanity and friendliness, humility and professionalism. We are persuaded no negative emotions come into fruition under the surface here. People respect each other and stability together with seniority, with respect to both knowledge and age, help create a safe atmosphere. 

Na ANECTu si nejvíc cením upřímného a lidského jednání, skvělých kolegů a nemalého počtu výzev.

Tomáš Chyla, Network Infrastructure Consultant

You will be given strong confidence and the freedom to build your role your way.


V Praze jsme doma na Pankráci

Naše kanceláře najdeš kousek od Pražského povstání. Žádné pevné pracovní místo, sedni si kam chceš nebo kde je zrovna volno. Jsme rádi, že se nám povedlo vytvořit prostředí, kde sdílíme know how, kde vznikají nové nápady. A mimo jiné, kde naši zaměstnanci zaparkují, protože máme dostatek parkovacích míst.

Samozřejmě, i my umíme pracovat tzv. odkudkoli, a pracovali jsme tak díky moderním technologiím, které jako IT firma využíváme mnohem dřív, než to začal být trend. 

V Brně jsme doma v Technologickém parku

V Brně máme i nadále sídlo firmy a nově i moderní a skvěle vybavené kanceláře v areálu Technologického parku. Podívejte se, jaké to tam budeme mít.

Život v ANECTu

Nejdřív je „trénink“ a potom… Zábava a pomoc druhým

Bezpečně internetem pro seniory
Bezpečně internetem pro seniory

Není nám jedno, co se kolem nás děje! Již řadu let pomáháme především jednotlivcům a menším neziskovým organizacím. Máme na to dokonce „Radu filantropie ANECT“, kterou tvoří naše kolegyně a kolegové a každý z nás má vyhrazeny dva dny placeného volna na dobročinnou činnost. A jasně, společně se i bavíme, těšit se můžeš třeba na sportovní den nebo novoroční meeting. Naše kanceláře se někdy promění v prostor plný aktivních seniorů, které vzděláváme v oblasti kybernetické bezpečnosti. 

V ANECTu je naprosto úžasný mix lidí, se kterými je radost sdílet pracovní i volný čas.

Kryštof Kocot, Project Manager
Sportovní den 2022
Sportovní den 2022
Rada filantropie ANECT
Rada filantropie ANECT
Sportovní den 2022
Sportovní den 2022

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